Sunday, September 8, 2013

9-8-13 Perdido Street School

Perdido Street School:

Bloomberg Furious He Can't Stop Attacks On His "Legacy"
Salon piece on why Bloomberg went after de Blasio this weekend.Blake Zeff recounts how Bloomberg has used his wealthy connections to Zuckerman, Sulzberger and Murdoch to quell dissent from the newspapers, how he used his wealth as a bludgeon against the unions and the no-profits, buying off some, threatening to destroy others - all in a successful attempt to keep pushback to himself and his agenda

De Blasio Leads In Almost Every Category You Can Think Of
The Wall Street Journal writes up the Marist/WSJ/NBC News 4 poll:In a sign of his strength, Mr. de Blasio is leading among women, blacks, whites, Latinos, Jews, Catholics and in every borough in the city, the poll found.What's the phrase I'm looking for to describe this?Right - "peaking at the right time."Polls are wrong, of course, and Thompson has historically performed better than the public po

Marist Poll: De Blasio 36%, Quinn 20%, Thompson 20%
Just out:Bill de Blasio, the Democratic mayoral candidate whose progressive message upended his party's primary campaign this summer, has widened his lead over his rivals just days before the election, a new poll shows.De Blasio, the city's public advocate, has the support of 36 percent of likely Democratic voters, while his closest rivals, former Comptroller Bill Thompson and City Council Speaker

Somebody Get Joe Lhota A New Education Deform Cliche To Use
Lhota: "education is the key civil rights issue" of the decade. #nyc2013— Azi Paybarah (@Azi) September 8, 2013This cliche was already overused when they were first hawking No Child Left Behind in 2002.It was positively hoary by the end of Dubya's second term in 2008.Arne Duncan has used it so often that he ought to wear it on a t-shirt.It's time to retire this tired old phrase and pull some other

How NYC Teachers Are Going To Be Rated "Ineffective" Based On Test Scores Alone
A piece from Carol Burris in the Washington Post about how one excellent teacher got dinged as "developing" after receiving 58 out of 60 points from her principal's evaluation is a must read for NYC teachers.This is a cautionary tale that needs to be sent to all your colleagues.This teacher Burris writes about works in a "small city district."She received 5 points and 10 points respectively on her

NY Post Publishes Devastating Article About NYC Economy - Never Once Mentions Bloomberg As The Culprit
Here's a taste of the Post article:New York City is stuck in the economic misery lane of middle-class jobs flight and an unemployed and underemployed class faced with long-term joblessness and rising hunger, according to the latest economic research. The city is emerging from the worst of the Great Recession, but this so-called recovery is nothing to write home about. The unemployment rate is 8.4
Reshma Saujani, Wall Street's Favorite Democrat, Caught Lying About Family Finances
How do you know when DFER-approved public advocate candidate Reshma Saujani is lying?She's talking, that's how.She has claimed in debates that she is sending money home to her parents because they are struggling to make ends meet. You can see here how badly her parents are "struggling."Note the moat behind the mansion in the wealthy Chicago suburb where the Saujanis live.Note the amount of money t
9-7-13 Perdido Street School
Perdido Street School: UFT Tells Teachers Bill Thompson Promises Retro Pay - But He Doesn'tMore lies and misinformation from the United Federation of Teachers leadership over the Bill Thompson campaign:The United Federation of Teachers is telling its members to come out in droves to vote for mayoral candidate Bill Thompson because he will give them back pay — even though he insists he didn’t promi