Saturday, September 7, 2013

9-7-13 Jersey Jazzman

Jersey Jazzman:

Three Years Ago a Star Was Born: Marie Corfield

It's hard to believe, but it was three years ago this very day when an art teacher from Flemington stood up to a bully named Chris Christie and gave him a piece of her mind:

Keep in mind, this was before we had heard Christie compare teachers to drug dealers and tell reporters to "take a bat out" on a 76-year-old state senator and call an Iraq War veteran an "idiot." Marie Corfield was among the first, if not the first, of us to stand up to this loudmouth and give him a piece of her mind.

That she did it in a scripted, phony "town hall" full of the governor's sycophants speaks volumes to this woman's bravery. That she wasn't a career politician, yet took on the difficult task of running for the legislature, speaks volumes about her integrity.

Marie is going to make a great assemblywoman: smart, tough, compassionate, and practical, she has all the qualities a great teacher (and a great mom) develops on the job. She's in a contested district, but she's got the backing of her party and a great staff of volunteers. It's a real grassroots candidacy -- one that will put one of our own in office to finally fight for us.

Help Marie win so she can represent us. You know what to do.Marie Corfield for NJ Assembly!
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Why Does Anyone Listen To Mike Bloomberg?
Only a few more months and we won't have to listen to Mike Bloomberg rattle off nonsense like this anymore: You’re a believer in the empirical, in data. But after all the changes in standards, is there any credibility in the test scores and graduation rates?It is very hard to explain complex numbers in a sound bite.  But when the numbers went up, you were very happy to say so.Yes. Compare
Free Your Hair; Free Your Mind
[WARNING: UNCHECKED SARCASM AHEAD] Sadly, it look like political correctness has won the day in the fight to groom people of color: In the wake of an outcry over an Ohio charter school's attempt to ban "afro-puffs and small twisted braids," the institution’s dean has apologized and said the policy was taken out of context. Because there's clearly a non-racist "context" for telling black parent

9-6-13 Jersey Jazzman
Jersey Jazzman: The Educational Racism of Chris ChristieYeah, I went there. But you tell me how else to honestly describe this:  Gov. Chris Christie plans to reappoint Newark School Superintendent Cami Anderson to another term. And if some in the city don’t like it, too bad. During a public appearance Wednesday at a school in Beach Haven, Christie was asked whether he and Education Commissioner Ch