Tuesday, September 3, 2013




@AACTE: Really? VAM’s for teacher education?
In case you missed it.  The American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education “applauded” the  Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) for “adopting” new standards that will hold teacher education programs accountable for the invalid high stakes test score gains or losses of children even though these scores are really a measure of a child’s […]

From Peggy Robertson, I just need to share this. Sorry, kiddo.
Saw this posted, needed to quote it: Hold on to your seats…I think I may win the award for the Greatest Testing Absurdity of the Night!!!! Nashville, TN 7th grade parents were informed that the 7th graders must be able to type 60 WPM in order to finish the new common core tests. And…no worries […]

Diane Ravitch’s Message to Boston Voters via The Indignant Teacher

Dear Indignant Teacher: Friends in Boston have told me that my message to you has been widely read, which is good, but  also widely misinterpreted. I am writing now to be clear what it means to support public education. It means that public schools should be subject to democratic control. Mayoral control is a very […]

9-2-13 Schools Matter @ The Chalk Face

SCHOOLS MATTER @ THE CHALK FACE: Is this TFA and Reality Israel stuff Anti-Semitic? I’m torn.There’s an article going around about a widow donating to TFA to provide some kind of field trip experience to Israel called Reality Israel. Here’s explanation of the trip via TFA’s website. It’s written by journalist Max Blumenthal and is making the rounds in leftist media like Alternet. When I first read