Friday, September 27, 2013

9-27-13 Perdido Street School

Perdido Street School:

Bill O'Reilly: Jesus Died So You Could Have Low Taxes
I know you think it's some Onion piece I'm putting up here.But no, seriously - it's what O'Reilly wrote:In Killing Jesus: A History, Bill O’Reilly and writing partner Martin Dugard bring us their long-awaited “accurate account of not only how Jesus died, but also the way he lived.” This should settle two millennia of Christian debate. Although it lacks suspense (SPOILER ALERT: he dies), it’s a pre

Politicker: Here's How Many Times The NY Post Attacked Bill De Blasio This Week
Colin Campbell at Politicker has a partial rundown on how many attack articles and editorials the NY Post has run against Bill de Blasio this week.It's a lot:De Blasio asks for Wall Street donationsDe Blasio ‘fixed’ pal’s water bill on councilSo what does de Blasio believe now?De Blasio suddenly scarce on campaign trailDe Blasio helped pal reduce $9,000 water billDe Blasio’s favorite countries hav
Some Bloomberg Staffers Go Work For Cuomo
Gotham Gazette:With time running out on Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s lame-duck term, a number of his staffers are looking to his longtime rival Gov. Andrew Cuomo for job security. The last few weeks have seen a steady stream of press releases from Cuomo’s office announcing the hiring of ex-Bloomberg staff. ...The Cuomo administration announced Sept. 19 that it had Kary Sarlin, Bloomberg’s one-time di

Bill Gates Is Wrong - We Do Know Whether His Reforms Will Work
Valerie Strauss in the Washington Post:“It would be great if our education stuff worked, but that we won’t know for probably a decade.”That’s what Bill Gates said on Sept. 21 (see video below) about the billions of dollars his foundation has plowed into education reform during a nearly hour-long interview he gave at Harvard University. He repeated the “we don’t know if it will work” refrain about

Epoch Times Joins The Media Attacks Against De Blasio
Take a look at the way they frame this story about de Blasio's "re-emerging" from hiding after a week of negative press over his past support for the "far-left" Sandanistas.The anti-Communist crazies at the Epoch Times join the barrage against de Blasio.This is a glimpse of what a de Blasio mayorality will look like.The press will not let him govern,They will undercut him at ev

Bloomberg Scoffs Over Classroom Overcrowdedness
At yesterday's press conference where the Mayor of Money repeatedly told reporters he is not interested in this year's mayor's race, isn't following it and won't answer any questions about it, we get this exchange:To another scribe who asked about overcrowding in the city’s classrooms, the mayor responded with dripping sarcasm.“Let’s just go back to when the school system was loaded with crime,” h

Media Plutocrats Aim Daily At De Blasio, James
The Post has more negative stories about Bill de Blasio out today.The Daily News has a negative editorial out about Tish James today.Every day in the papers, the media plutocrats who own the Post, Daily News and Times - Bloomberg's fellow newspaper buddies and friends from his social circle - take aim at these two candidates for mayor and public advocate respectively with story after story meant t

Bloomberg Says He's Cleaned Up NY's Air Like Nobody Else
From the Times:Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg said on Thursday that his administration’s efforts at reducing air pollution had resulted in New York City’s having the best air quality in more than 50 years. Sulfur dioxide levels have dropped by 69 percent since 2008, and the level of soot pollution has dropped by more than 23 percent since 2007, according to a new city survey. The mayor said the reduct
Bloomberg Gets Testy Over Mayor's Race Questions
More and more frequently, Bloomberg shows the real him:Mayor Bloomberg declared during a testy exchange with reporters Thursday that the race to succeed him is not interesting and therefore he is not paying any attention to it.The billionaire mayor, who said this month he had decided not to make an endorsement in the race because it would be a distraction, first grew exasperated with the press abo

9-26-13 Perdido Street School
Perdido Street School: The NY Post And The Lhota Campaign - Selling Fear And LiesThe Rupert Murdoch-owned NY Post has been hammering away at Bill de Blasio for a few weeks now ever since he won the primary vote.Every day they run two, three, four, sometimes five negative stories about him.He once asked Joel Klein to add TM to the DOE.He honeymooned in Cuba.He worked for a Jesuit group that brought