Sunday, September 22, 2013

9-22-13 Seattle Schools Community Forum

Seattle Schools Community Forum:

Seattle Schools Updates
This can be an open thread on issues at your school.  I've heard from several schools that have concerns about academics and growth boundaries.First up is Garfield.   The president of the Garfield PTSA contacted Director Smith-Blum with worries over class assignments at Garfield.  Apparently there aren't enough classes - in biology and Spanish - to help all the students trying to fulfill graduatio

Kid falls through skylight at Eckstein
All I know about this is what I read in the paper. But I am curious. What were kids doing on the roof at Eckstein? How could one of them be so foolish as to fall through a skylight?
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Ravitch versus Rhee; a Solid Comparison of Books and Views
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Ravitch versus Rhee; a Solid Comparison of Books and Views: Ravitch versus Rhee; a Solid Comparison of Books and ViewsFrom the New York Review of Books comes a comparison review of Diane Ravitch's new book, Reign of Error: The Hoax of the Privatization Movement and the Danger to America's Public Schools and Michelle Rhee's book, Radical: Fighting to Put Students Fi
9-21-13 Seattle Schools Community Forum
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Program Placement - yes, againThis is going to be yet another rant of mine about program placement. I know that I go on about this, but it continues to be a sore point for me. I imagine that some folks must be really tired of reading about this topic, so I will put everything after the jump.One of the primary directives for program placement is to place the program