Friday, September 20, 2013

9-20-13 @ THE CHALK FACE


@TCF on Blog Talk Radio

For District Leaders Considering Adopting the New Orleans “Miracle” Model
New Orleans’ Recovery School District (RSD) is being promoted nationwide as a model of corporate reform “turnaround.”  Thus, numerous legislatures, superintendents and school boards across the country are facing the question of whether or not to emulate RSD. In this post, I address school officials who are tempted to believe and adopt the RSD “miracle.”  RSD success is a […]
This Sunday at 6PM EST, Diane Ravitch is At the Chalk Face to discuss Reign of Error.
Listen to the show here.  I have to get reading.

Merrow Vs. Schneider on New Orleans and Rhee
I don’t blame Merrow for wanting more support and for suggesting that folks reach out to the many media people he mentions. I do blame him for: 1) doing it in such a mewling tone – he’d be more effective to suggest not complain with that “Why aren’t people . . . ” intro that […]

Innovation? No Thank You
There is a problem with really successful people: They tend to believe they are incredibly capable in every field, and that most other people are not. Success is a deluding experience, and if there is anything that innovators are, it is delusional—delusional that being innovative is greater than having field experience or expertise. In education […]

The Indignant Teacher Reviews “Reign of Error”
  The “nation’s children are on a train that is headed for a cliff“. This sentence, unobtrusively embedded in the middle of the first chapter of Reign of Error, effectively identifies the main idea of Diane Ravitch’s newest book. Like it’s prequel from 2010, The Death and Life of the Great American School System, Reign of Error serves to warn America […]

9-18-13 @ The Chalk Face
@ THE CHALK FACE: Achievement Gap? Nope, parts 1 and 2The term “achievement gap” is misleading and thus one of the problems with the education reform debate. Please see the following posts addressing why: Achievement Gap Misnomer for Equity Gap, pt. 1 Achievement Gap Misnomer for Equity Gap, pt. 21 by plthomasedd / 1min Schools Matter @ The Chalk FaceSCHOOLS MATTER @ THE CHALK FACE: Gates Money an