Sunday, September 15, 2013




The Ravitch Hawks Are Circling: Time To Take Action
Diane Ravitch As most people (at least those following the daily attempts by deformers to crush public schools, teachers unions, and the wills and souls of countless students, teachers, parents, and others who believe in public education and democracy) are aware, Diane Ravitch has a new book being officially released tomorrow: REIGN OF ERROR: The […]

Los Angeles parent-activist sounds off on CCSS
“We had 23 different language groups at my son’s school. How can one common core be relevant to all of these very different people?” — Prop39 Resist! Parent I founded Communities & Families Resisting Proposition 39 Charter Colocations along with several families fighting against the privatization project’s latest ploy, the colocation. While the group was pretty 90026 specific (we have two colo

The Reign of Error: My New Activist Handbook
I am currently reading Diane Ravitch’s new book, The Reign of Error. Simply put, it is excellent. Diane has covered all aspects of the privatization of public schools – she clearly articulates how the corporate reformers’ ideas don’t work – while offering research-based solutions which indeed DO work.  I began reading the book during a […]

Tone, pt. 2: On “Hostile Rhetoric,” Laziness, and the Education Debate | the becoming radical
Tone, pt. 2: On “Hostile Rhetoric,” Laziness, and the Education Debate | the becoming radical.

Not me. I read it in April.
(My response to Chalkface, PhD’s inability to get beyond page 30 of Ravitch’s Reign of Error.)   That book is a weapon. Diane sent me the unpublished manuscript to help inform me on my own corporate reform whistleblower book. I just sent my finished manuscript to my publisher yesterday. Also just finished writing my own review […]

I’m having trouble reading Ravitch’s new book Reign of Error
We At the Chalk Face are part of a network of education “bloggers” and commentators who have been encouraged to read and review Ravitch’s new book. Anticipatory anxiety from the modern reform movement resulted in a few early and highly critical posts on the book ahead of its release. Now, it’s about her sympathetic audience […]

Social And Emotional Learning - Hey, Maybe Let The Measurements Be?
A pretty good article in the NY Times about the promise of social and emotional learning programs to help children with both academic performance and life skills.The gist is this:If you can help children to reframe how they view something that has happened to them, it can have a a positive effect on how they react to the incident and move forward from it:With the district’s support, Aydlett attend

The New Three Stooges Coming to Philadelphia
In 2009, the cast included Gingrich, Sharpton, and Bloomberg.  Now four years later there is a new cast entertaining audiences across the nation with their post-partisan antics and unending corporate pranks that come at the expense of teachers, children, and parents. The new Three Stooges include the hilarious Michelle Rhee, along with the discredited and […]

@EAGNews surprises no one who even cares about EAG by posting a highly bigoted photo
What precisely is this outfit again, EAG, or what have you? At some point, I heard it was started by some MI trust fund baby. In any event, talk about some cojones on these guys to post that photo, as if it implies some sort of truth about an AL school system. Every major school […]

Tone, pt. 1: Does Tone Matter in the Education Reform Debate? | the becoming radical
Tone, pt. 1: Does Tone Matter in the Education Reform Debate? | the becoming radical.
Understanding the Context for Anti-Cultural Corporatism in Mexico
It takes a while for the real news to get out, but this is must see stuff for understanding the corporate education push in Mexico, which is being supported by Gates and his version of CorpEd Without Borders.  Spoiler alert: it’s about corporate-led privatization, ending workers’ rights,  imposing a test that requires the poorest village […]
As a UCLA student and SUPE member, I endorse this campaign to halt TFA
As a @UCLA student & @supenational ally, I endorse this campaign to halt @TeachForAmerica #TFA — Robert D. Skeels (@rdsathene) September 15, 2013 As a UCLA student and a Students United for Public Education (SUPE) member, I endorse this campaign to halt Teach For America’s colonialism and participation in the neoliberal school privatization […]
Trinational Coalition’s statement of support for teachers in Mexico
LETTERS TO THE GOVERNMENT CAN BE SENT TO: LIC. ENRIQUE PEÑA NIETO Presidente Constitucional de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos LIC. OSORIO CHONG MIGUEL ANGEL Secretario de Estado LIC. CHUAYFFET CHEMOR EMILIO Secretaria de Educación Pública SEND COPIES TO: Maestra Graciela Rangel de Mic

All Week 9-14-13 @ THE CHALK FACE knows SCHOOLS MATTER
@ THE CHALK FACE knows SCHOOLS MATTER: All Week 8-10-13 @ THE CHALK FACE knows SCHOOLS MATTERTODAYWhatever Happened to Scientifically Based Research in Education Policy? | AlternetWhatever Happened to Scientifically Based Research in Education Policy? | plthomasedd / 1h YESTERDAYSomerville Teachers’ Grievance Brings Apology and Purging of Evaluations Based on Immigrant Test ScoresSomer