Sunday, September 15, 2013

9-15-13 Perdido Street School

Perdido Street School:

Can Joe Lhota Win The Race For Mayor?
A tweet from Michael Barbaro:I'm hearing from a surprising number of Manhattan Democrats who say they are open to voting for Lhota, just need more information.— Michael Barbaro (@mikiebarb) September 15, 2013I don't know many - or actually any - Democrats who say they are open to voting for Lhota.But I'm also not writing a story for the Times in which I want to frame an article with: "Manhatt

Mark Green On Why Thompson Is Not Calling It Quits Yet
Bill Thompson said again yesterday that he is going to stay in the race until all votes are counted by the BOE.Thompson was more than 14 percentage pints down to Bill de Blasio in last Tuesday's primary vote and de Blasio has continued to rack up votes as the last of the machine ballots have been tallied.De Blasio currently has 40.3% of the votes in the primary. According to various reports, de Bl

NYPD Shoot Innocent Bystanders In Times Square When Suspect Points Metrocard At Them
Shocking story on the front pages today: Two NYPD cops opened fire at a deranged man a block from Times Square — as he pretended to point a gun at them — but instead struck a pair of innocent bystanders Saturday night, police said. The 35-year-old man was behaving wildly in the middle of W. 42nd St. at Eighth Ave. about 9:36 p.m. when he was confronted by the officers, Police Commissioner Raymond

9-14-13 Perdido Street School
Perdido Street School: Wall Street Gets Sad Over Bloomberg's Impending DepartureFrom Politico:Michael Bloomberg isn’t leaving office until January but Wall Street is already beginning to miss the New York City mayor — and bracing for a possible backlash from his replacement.In his 12 years leading the city, Bloomberg has been a vocal champion of New York’s business and banking communities. When th