Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Stephen Colbert adds new subject to science education

Stephen Colbert adds new subject to science education:

Stephen Colbert adds new subject to science education

Stephen Colbert (By Mark Wilson / The Washington Post)
Stephen Colbert (By Mark Wilson / The Washington Post)
Stephen Colbert had some fun Monday night talking about science education with guest Rep. Rush Holt. The New Jersey  congressman and Jeopardy winner is one of four candidates running for the Democratic nomination to fill the vacancy left by the death of Sen. Frank Lautenberg.
Here’s part of the conversation; the video is below.
COLBERT: Education, big issue for you.
HOLT: That is probably as much as anything, maybe more than anything,  what has made this country great. It has been our public education system.
COLBERT: Isn’t there a lot of waste in education? We have biology and psychology. Do we need every ‘ology’?
HOLT: You know we should teach every science to every student every year, all the way through school.
COLBERT: Astrology?
HOLT: … So I said science, that’s astronomy.
COLBERT: I think astrology is more of a science because it has that ‘ology’ in there.
HOLT: We should teach every student every science every year. It’s not just just 10th grade for biology and 11th grade for chemistry.
COLBERT: Twelfth grade for astrology… Physics is better for Aries, a Taurus does better with astrology….
The education discussion starts at the 2:20 mark.

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