Monday, August 12, 2013

School Supply Lists by Grade Level - E. G. Ross Elementary School

School Supply Lists by Grade Level - E. G. Ross Elementary School:

School Supply Lists by Grade Level

KINDERGARTEN Supply List 2013-2014These supplies are shared with the class – Please do not put your Child’s name on them:
·         12 plain yellow #2 pencils
·         4 boxes of crayons (8 basic colors, thin size)
·         1 box of watercolor paints (crayola or Prang have the
           best color)
·         1 box of washable markers (8 basic colors – jumbo size)
·         1 4oz. bottle of glue
·         1 package of 5 glue sticks
·         1 package of stickers (No letter grade stickers, please)
·         1 box of colored pencils
·         1 pair of pointed-tip children’s scissors
These supplies should be labeled with your child’s first and last name:
·         2 sturdy pocket folders (be sure they fit easily into a
·         1 full-sized backpack that your child can open
           independently. (NO WHEELS) Please write your child’s name on the
 On P.E. Days your child should wear:
·         Tennis shoes with socks
·         Comfortable shirts, shorts or pants
 These supplies are optional, but useful to our program:
·         1 package of sponges
·         1 pump bottle of antibacterial waterless soap
·         1 box of large zip lock bags
•         1 box of small zip lock bags
·         1 large box of Kleenex
         •         1 large package of coffee filters (used to hold snack foods)

First Grade Supply List 2013-2014
·         1 box wide water base markers
·         1 watercolor case
•         1package dry erase markers (6 pack)
·         2 boxes facial tissues
·         24 #2 plain lead pencils
·         1 box of 24 crayons
·         1 bottle of white glue & 6 glue sticks
·         1 pair pointed scissors (Fiskar is a good
·         1 small school box (cardboard or plastic)
·         2 wire-bound wide-ruled spiral notebooks
·         3 large erasers
·         1 box zip lock freezer bags (boys/gallon
          size, girls/quart size)
·         1 back pack
Sneakers are required for PE (need not be new)
•Other materials may be required by individual teacher.

Second Grade Supply List  2013-2014
Please do not write your child’s name on the following supplies, as they will be shared with the class
·         2 boxes facial tissue
·         48 #2 pencils (plain yellow)
·         6 glue sticks
·         1 pack dry erase markers (fine tip)
·         1 pair pointed scissors
Please write your child’s name of the following supplies:
·         5 large pink erasers (no pencil caps, please)
·         1 box of water color markers (8-10 count)
·         2 boxes of 24 color crayons
•         1 set of watercolor paints
·         2 wire-bound notebooks (wide line, single subject, plain colors)
•         1 composition notebook
·         3 folders with pockets  (different colors)
·         1 school supply box
 Wish List:  Zip lock bags, hand sanitizer, Lysol or Clorox wipes

Third Grade Supply List  2013-2014
*4 wide-ruled single subject composition books 
*5 pocket folders with prongs 
*1 package wide-ruled notebook paper (college ruled will be sent home)
*24  #2 standard yellow pencils 
*1 box of watercolor markers (8-12 count)
•1 box of thin-tip watercolor markers (8-12 count)
•1 box of crayons (24 count) - larger boxes will be sent home
•1 box of color pencils (12-24 count)
*6 glue sticks

•1 bottle of white glue
*1 pair of good-cutting scissors 

*3 boxes of facial tissue (large size) 

•2 packages (cheapest) mechanical pencils
•2 pink erasers
•2 pkgs. eraser caps
•1 backpack or bookbag (no rolling bags)
Reminder: All students will need one pair of tennis shoes for PE
•Disinfectant wipes for the classroom
•Any sort of "cute" stickers for rewards
•Watercolor paints
•Ziplock bags - gallon or quart size
In the fall, an individual teacher supply list will be given out at registration. 
These lists will vary depending on specific classroom needs.
 Thank you.

4th Grade Supply List - 2013-2014
36 - #2 Pencils, basic solid colors (NO MECHANICAL PENCILS)
1   - Personal Pencil Sharpener
3   - Large Pink Erasers
4   - Colored Pens, any color except black
1   - Pair of Pointed Scissors (Fiskar Brand)
1   - Box of Colored Pencils
1   - Box of Markers, wide or thin
2   - Glue Sticks
1   - Bottle of White Glue
2   - Highlighters, any color (NO HIGHLIGHTERS WITH “TABS” OR “POST-ITS”)
4   - Multicolored Wide Dry Erase Markers (NO “CLICK-ITS”)
4   - Multicolored Thin Dry Erase Markers (NO “CLICK-ITS”)
1   - Plastic School Supply Box
5   - Pocket Folders w/ Brads, any solid color
5   - Wide Ruled Spiral Notebooks, any solid color
4   - Packages of Wide Ruled Loose Leaf Paper, 150 or 200 count
1   - Three-Ring Binder, 1 ½ inch (NO TRAPPER KEEPERS)
1   - Box of Facial Tissue
1   - Permanent marker, wide or thin
1   - Ream of copy paper, 8 ½  x 11
1   - Paper towel roll
1   - Box of zip lock bags, snack, quart, or gallon sized
*Teachers may request additional supplies specific to their own classrooms after registration.
*Some teachers keep the majority of school supplies as classroom “shared” or “community” supplies. This is why specific things have been selected or omitted from the supply list. Please keep to the list to avoid overspending on supplies that are not listed. Thank You!!

Fifth Grade Supply List - 2-13-2014
·         4 seventy page spiral notebooks NO PERFORATED EDGES, NO
           COLLEGE RULED
·         2 pkgs wide ruled paper (200 count)
·         10 twin pocket folders with 3 prong fasteners
·         1 pencil pouch or small box
·         2 erasers
·         1 Sharpie Accent highlighter any color
·         1 box of colored markers (8-10 colors)
·         1 box of 24 crayons
·         1 box of colored pencils (8-12 colors only)
·         24 #2pencils (sharpened) NO MECHANICAL PENCILS
·         2 red pens for grading 
·         1 fine point Sharpie BLACK ONLY
·         1 pair scissors with pointed tip (make sure its fits your
          child’s hand)
·         1 ruler (metric and inches) NO RUBBER OR BENDABLE
·         6 glue sticks – NO ELMER’S GLUE
·         1 bottle hand sanitizer
·         1 protractor (clear or see through) 
·         1 compass (clear or see through) 
·         2 boxes of facial tissue

AGENDA BOOKS WILL BE PROVIDED AT THE BEGINNING OF THE SCHOOL YEAR.  A $5.00 fee with be charged if they are lost and need to purchase one during the school year. 
Please make sure all supplies are labeled with students name
Tennis shoes will be required for P.E.
Individual teachers may request additional supplies in the fall.  It is suggested families buy extra supplies at the beginning of the year when they have the back to school sales.  A list will be sent home in December asking you to restock your child’s supplies.