Sunday, August 11, 2013

Missouri Education Watchdog: A Teacher's Experience with Common Core

Missouri Education Watchdog: A Teacher's Experience with Common Core:

A Teacher's Experience with Common Core

Is this the explanation of Common Core?


The post below is from a teacher about her first few days teaching Common Core.  She writes about the training received on CCSS teaching methods and bursts the CCSSO talking points that CCSS doesn't tell how/what teachers need to teach.  The amount of stress on teachers and students forced to adapt to these mandates (not voted on by voters or legislatures) may, in fact, create a demand for 21st century jobs.  Read the article and see if you can guess what job might be the number one profession in the next decade.

Reprinted with permission.  From and My First Days With Full-blown Common Core:



August 8, 2013 
In this post I write about my experience as a traditional public school teacher facing Common Core(CCSS). Before I do so, there are a few statements I must offer.

First, let me be clear that I am writing about my own experiences on my own blog using my own computer and sitting in my own home on my own time.

Second, I teach in a wonderful school for an administration that cares about their students. The