Monday, August 12, 2013

Missouri Education Watchdog: Take Back Our Schools Conferences Fall 2013

Missouri Education Watchdog: Take Back Our Schools Conferences Fall 2013:

Take Back Our Schools Conferences Fall 2013

For those who want to learn more about Common Core, student data collection and what they can do to reclaim local authority over education, we have three regional conferences planned for this fall. Check for details and registration (coming soon.)
St. Louis - Sunday September 22, 2013 Wildwood Hotel (1-6:00)
Kansas City - Saturday October 5, 2013 North Kansas City Community Center (9-2:00)
Springfield - Saturday October 19, 2012 Holiday Inn Convention Center (9-2:00)

  •  The History of Common Core Standards – How Did We Get Here?
  • High Quality Standards For Everyone? Not so much. What about special needs kids? How could CC harm early learners?
  • Testing Testing Testing
  • Data Collection – The government wants to know everything about your children. How can you protect their privacy?
  • What are your rights according to Missouri state law? How can you begin to assert those rights?
  • What is happening at the federal level when it comes to Common Core, Data Collection and state’s rights to control education
  • The future of education in Missouri – a common sense approach based on local assertion of rights already granted by our constitution and legislature.

There will be break out sessions for various interest groups to network with other grassroots activists.

School Board Members – Know your rights as a School Board member. Compare experiences and network with other board members who are trying to get their district out of the public/private system of common standards.

Grassroots Activists – For parents, taxpayers, teachers, legislators. We’ll talk about everything in our activist kit, answer questions and get you networking.

Non-Public Schools
 (Catholic/Private/Home Schools) – Whether or not CC is in or coming to your school, you need to know what to watch for and how to keep the quality education you are paying for or providing.

Learn more and receive your Grassroots Action Kit with everything you need to inform people in your district about Common Core and data collection.

Don't wait for government to hand you back control.
 Take back the control that has been yours all along.