Tuesday, August 13, 2013

UPDATE: Latest Pearson Foul Up - Indiana District Abandons A-F Grading System; Are Others About to Follow? | Scathing Purple Musings

Indiana District Abandons A-F Grading System; Are Others About to Follow? | Scathing Purple Musings:

The Latest Pearson Foul Up: 4000 VA Students Get Wrong Testing Results
From Washington Post reporter Michael Alison Chandler: Pearson, the world’s largest education and testing company, provided incorrect scorecards for more than 4,000 students in Virginia who took an alternative assessment last school year. That mistake led to many parents receiving news this summer that their children had passed the test when they actually had failed it. “We sincerely apologize for

Indiana District Abandons A-F Grading System; Are Others About to Follow?

From 21Live reporters Rachel Martin and Eric Dutkeywicz:
Fort Wayne Community Schools will no longer use a statewide A-F performance system to determine schools’ achievement.
The school board approved a resolution Monday night that “will no longer give public recognition to its schools based solely upon the letter grade assigned to a school under the Bennett A-F System.”
“The Bennett A-F System has been determined to have been corrupted.” Mark GiaQuinta, FWCS board president, says. “It is not a legitimate method by which to assess excellence in our classrooms.”
The vote was 6-1. Lisa Olinger voted against the resolution.
The board’s resolution says other criteria should be used to determine a school’s performance, including: closing of achievement gaps between groups of students, overall improvement of student body, skill and experience of school leaders, attendance rates, extracurricular activities,