Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Deep in the Heart of Excellence | EduShyster

Deep in the Heart of Excellence | EduShyster:

Deep in the Heart of Excellence

 Salsa secreta comes to San Antonio, Texas
By Didymath
Amigos: I am crestfallen to report that a scourge of bad schools has befallen my fair burg of San Antonio, Texas. You’d think that without those pesky unions to hold them back Texas schools would be free to excel. Alas, we Tejanos seem to be missing some salsa secreta. Fortunately a team of local visionaries has been working round the clock to solve thisproblema. The solution? Replace San Antonio’s existing public schools with charters that are más excelente.
Reader: I give you Choose to Succeed. Founded by the George W. Brackenridge Foundation, “Choose to Succeed is working to attract the nation’s highest performing charter networks to San Antonio and to help them grow to serve upward of 80,000 San Antonio public school students by 2026.” Note, dear reader, that crack team from Choose to Succeed includes not a single teacher. That’s how we know there is some serious