Monday, August 5, 2013

Confessions of a Bad Teacher – buy the book! Parents United for Responsible Education

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Confessions of a Bad Teacher – buy the book!

It’s a great book (available tomorrow) and my first book jacket blurb!
Here’s what the promo material says:
The book ‘school reformers’ don’t want you to read: Confessions of a Bad Teacher by John Owens.
This book proves why America must:
  • Stop the ‘bad teacher’ witch hunt
  • Return Public schools to the public
  • Give our kids a real education,…not just test prep
John Owens’ book is an expansion of the same-name Salon article he wrote a couple of years ago.
blurbsmallerMy blurb:
Confessions of   a Bad Teacher by John Owens is a vivid account of life in the corporate school reform trenches, with all the agony, comedy, hope and humiliation experienced by so many of today’s public school teachers.
Owens goes beyond telling war stories to reflect on the big picture of bad policies and politics that drive the school day, and to offer some steps readers can take to preserve and protect the precious gift of democratic public education.

The book’s web site also provides an opportunity for teachers, parents, students and others to share our stories.
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