Monday, August 26, 2013

Architecture 101 Fall and Winter Workshops | Seattle Education

Architecture 101 Fall and Winter Workshops | Seattle Education:

Architecture 101 Fall and Winter Workshops

Arc classes
Besides my activities as an education advocate and architect, I teach introductory classes in Architecture for students from grade three through college and beyond.
This fall I will be offering weekday classes for homeschool students, Saturday classes for grades 3 through high school and some History of Seattle walking tours.
This winter holiday season I will again be offering a Holiday Village class using all edible building materials and featuring my own gingerbread recipe…always a popular workshop.
To follow is the schedule and additional information:
Pyramids of Giza
Pyramids of Giza
Homeschool workshops:
September 10, 17 and 24
Grades 3-5
Egyptian Architecture and Design
9:00 AM to Noon
Registration deadline: August 28, 2013
Neuschwanstein Castle
Neuschwanstein Castle
October 8, 15 and 22
Grades 3-5
The Middle Ages: Castles and Kings