Thursday, August 8, 2013

8-8-13 Ed Notes Online

Ed Notes Online:

Former NY St Ed Comm David Milton Steiner Opines in NY Post as StudentsFirstNY Quotes Randi
I pledge allegiance to ed deformAfter Cathie Black does Milton have any credibility left? This Milton is has less vision than the real one. What a NYSED Commish crew over last 18 years. From Dickie Boy Richard Mills through John King. These people are a joke. Leonie posted this tidbit: On disastrous scores StudentsFirstNY cites Randi in defense of the Common Core (!!)  & misquotes Diane in one

Nysed Approves Trojan Horse Project For Public Schools
Struggling to fill seats, drum up false demand and justify hollow, multi-million dollar marketing campaigns, charter schools have come up with an ingenious TROJAN HORSE strategy in which they will poach students from popular public schools -- and get paid to do it!" .... Lorna F, parent This story in the DN the other day inspired the comment above.NYSED charter schools getting $4.5 million state g

Understanding Test Results as Shock Doctrine While UFT Spins a Different Tale
The new Common Core exams and test scores are politically motivated, and are based neither on reason or evidence.  They were pre-ordained to fit the ideological goals of Commissioner King and the other educrats who are intent on imposing damaging policies on our schools.... Leonie Haimson, NYCPSP blog , five reasons not to trust the new scoresThat the head of the NYC teachers union should accept t

Parents and Educators Reject Official Explanations for Dismal State Test Scores
Call for full transparency in state testing program and an end to the use of standardized tests for promotion, teacher evaluation and closing schools... Change the StakesHere is a follow-up to my earlier post:T-Day: For Deformers, Mission Accomplished. By now the scores have come out and they are a disaster. Some great comments floating out there but they will wait for another followup post later.
T-Day: For Deformers, Mission Accomplished
Shouldn't these tests that get students career and college ready be prevalent for students of high school, not little 9 year old boys and girls in 3rd grade? Parents of NYC, you are all being played!... South Bronx SchoolToday is lousy test score reveal day (LTSR) for  the tests given this past school year. Let me get this straight. You spend an entire year prepping for a test given in May and don


Joel Klein: The Good News in Lower Test Scores. HUH? Plus NY State Ed Cwies Bitter Tears
Shock doctrine at work. 26 percent of students in third through eighth grade passed the state exams in English, and 30 percent passed in math.  Only 5% of students in Rochester passed. Statewide, only 31 percent of students passed the exams in reading and math..... Leonie HaimsonIs this the same Joel Klein who ran our schools for 10 years and was constantly taking bows for increased test scores an
8-6-13 Ed Notes Online
Ed Notes Online: A Little Andy Borowitz Humor for a Warm Summer Day - EnjoyMr. Bezos said he had been oblivious to his online shopping error until earlier today, when he saw an unusual charge for two hundred and fifty million dollars on his American Express statement. Amazon Founder Says He Clicked on Washington Post by MistakeRead more at newyorker.com1 by ed notes online / 6min UFT History, Earl