Friday, August 30, 2013

8-30-13 Seattle Schools Community Forum

Seattle Schools Community Forum:

Bill Watterson and Some Thoughts for Your Kids
Unfortunately, Blogger is not letting me size this new comic from Calvin and Hobbes creator, Bill Watterson.  But check this link and show your kids.  They may try to test our kids into some square peg but that doesn't mean they will succeed.

Advanced Learning - Why Bother?
I mean, seriously, why does this district bother? To explain, it was noted by several readers that the testing schedule for Advanced Learning programs is NOT in the school calendar.  And, by law, they have to supply public notice (at least for APP). You'd think the calendar, going to every single family in the district, would be the ideal place. You'd think the first-day packets, going to every si

Mayor's Arts Awards
From the City of Seattle:Mayor McGinn will present free Mayor’s Arts Awards ceremony Friday, August 30 at 4 p.m.SEATTLE — The 2013 Mayor’s Arts Awards ceremony will take place this Friday, August 30 at 4 p.m. at the North Fountain Lawn of Seattle Center. The honorees include two individuals and four organizations, and represent categories ranging from promoting arts as a means of social change to

Friday Open Thread
Want to see something pretty unpleasant?  Here's one charter school and their answer to how to encourage kids to get to college.From The Guardian:  are American universities turning away from "classic" books?Last year, 309 colleges made such assignments. It's a great tradition, but something curious has happened since my days as a college student. Only eight schools assigned anything published bef

8-29-13 Seattle Schools Community Forum
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Marni Campbell Leaving Seattle SchoolsMarni Campbell, Executive Director for the NW, is leaving to become the Executive Director of Instruction and Innovation in Highline School District for Susan Enfield.  (Oddly, the notice of her hiring just calls her "Executive Director of Schools" which sounds like a far larger post than for just a region.  Probably an oversig