Monday, August 26, 2013




The left right awakening!
There have been a few pieces written about the coming together of the left and the right, liberals and conservatives, teapartiers and progressives over the shared disdain for the Common Core.  In fact, assuming that I am a progressive, I had my first meeting with some tea-partier libertarians last week.  It was great.  We met. […]

Gates’s Cannibalistic Culture: Coming to a School Near You! | the becoming radical
Bill Gates has adopted education as a billionaire’s hobby for many years—once supporting small schools projects, but more recently focusing on teacher quality. Little attention, however, has been paid in the mainstream media to Gates’s struggles in business (Microsoft) or his complete lack of expertise, experience, or success as an educational entrepreneur. Until this expose by Vanity Fair address

Misleading the State of Education: Zais Plays Partisan with School Praise
Superintendents of education in states across the U.S. are necessarily political positions, either political appointments or elected offices. Should, then, a superintendent of education visit public school districts to praise excellence—especially in districts and schools struggling under the weight of poverty? Of course. But in the current accountability era that persists in pursuing education po

Michelle Rhee: A Teacher’s Best Friend
What makes a really good friend?  The listening? The understanding?  Always being there for you?  Well, if you are a teacher, Michelle Rhee wants to be your friend.  To prove it, she’s personally inviting you to her upcoming Teacher Town Halls, where you and Michelle (and two of her other friends) can have “an open […]

8-25-13 Schools Matter @ The Chalk Face
SCHOOLS MATTER @ THE CHALK FACE: Chomsky’s concept of engineering opinion illustrated by Broad’s Jean-Claude Brizard“But as long as people are marginalized and distracted and have no way to organize or articulate their sentiments…” — Professor Noam Chomsky Broadyte Jean-Claude Brizard was interviewed by the right-wing Fordham Institute a few days ago, and excerpts appeared in a Chicago publication