Wednesday, August 21, 2013

8-21-13 Wait What?

Wait What?:

Special Master Steven Adamowski: Busy exceeding his authority…at taxpayer expense
As Rome burns, Adamowski tells Windham taxpayers which companies to hire and what they must do with their public funds…. (An update on Windham by Jonathan Pelto and Mary Gallucci, a Windham parent and education advocate) As a result of inadequate state funding, Windham’s public schools are among the most underfunded in Connecticut and Windham […]The post Special Master Steven Adamowski: Busy excee
8-20-13 Wait What? Malloy/Pryor’s new “Turnaround Director” violated Connecticut law by failing to get proper teacher certification
Wait What?: Malloy/Pryor’s new “Turnaround Director” violated Connecticut law by failing to get proper teacher certificationIn what can only be described as a classic move of incredible arrogance, Governor Malloy’s Commissioner of Education, Stefan Pryor, has named a non-certified individual to head up Malloy and Pryor’s pet project; the Department of Education’s “Turnaround Office” which has resp