Monday, August 19, 2013

8-19-13 Perdido Street School

Perdido Street School:

Photos From Port Jefferson "StudentNotScores" Rally
Via the Port Jefferson Station Teachers Association site, here are some great photos from Saturday's rally at Comsewogue High School against the Common Core testing regime: PJSTA posted the following:An estimated 2,000 people converged on Comsewogue High School yesterday to tell the powers that be what they should do with the Common Core State Standards.  The crowd, a mixture of teachers, administ

UFT Sends Out Deceptive Bill Thompson Mailer
Daily Politics reports that the UFT has sent out a Bill Thompson mailer using the tragic deaths of Trayvon Martin, Amadou Diallo, Ramarley Graham and Patrick Dorismond to sell voters on Thompson's candidacy:“We know the Trayvon tragedy here in New York. We’ve lived it, over and over again, from Amadou Diallo to Patrick Dorismond to Ramarley Graham,” reads the piece from United for the Future, a po

Here's Why Christine Quinn Won't Be Mayor
Christine Quinn has a dedicated cadre of protesters who follow her and her supporters around the city to illuminate New Yorkers on how Quinn has sold her constituents down the river to real estate and corporate interests.Quinn's campaign embargoes her schedule to try and keep those protesters from finding her at her campaign funcations and appearances.Here's why:A rally to highlight Christine Quin

 Education Reformers Are Trying To Smear Common Core Critics As Know-Nothings And Cretins
Former NY Times editor and current columnist Bill Keller attacked opponents to the Common Core standards as a "very loud, often paranoid, if-that-Kenyan-socialist-in-the-White-House-is-for-it-I’m-against-it crowd." Keller acknowledges that there are opponents to the standards on the left "but overwhelmingly the animus against the standards comes from the right."While the Michelle Malking-Glenn Bec

8-18-13 Perdido Street School
Perdido Street School: Fran Lebowitz Nails Bloomberg's "Legacy"She says we are all paying for Bloomberg's height and how badly he was treated on the playground when he was a kid - the bullied boy grew up to be a bully who makes everyone pay for his past slights and humiliations.Here are some more of her remarks on Bloomberg: One of the worst things about Michael Bloomberg being the mayor is that b