Sunday, August 18, 2013

8-18-13 Ed Notes Online

Ed Notes Online:

Hilarious Parent Report on Tweed/DOE Test Disaster Briefing
I went to the one on Thursday evening and got the impression that they were trying harder, because the tests were harder and the students weren't prepared so they tried harder ..  and then Walcott had to leave to go to Hostos (where they don't have to try harder) to dance with the Alvin Ailey dance troupe. Thomases took over and he tried harder but then Alice Wong figured it was time to end becaus

Howler Howls at Krugman and Press Corps
This column comes quite close to being deceptive. As a matter of fact... it goes over that line....The breakdown of the mainstream press corps has been a giant problem for decades. Another huge problem: the way the guild will airbrush this problem away.  Daily Howler on Krugman column.I'm a Paul Krugman fan. It is the first thing I read in the Times every Monday and Friday. As I was reading the Kr
8-17-13 Ed Notes Online
Ed Notes Online: Failed Florida/Indiana state superintendent Tony Bennett recommends United Opt Out NationalChicago: Rahm sends police to protect crew sent to destroy historic community center... Rahm, Barbara Byrd Bennett order destruction of 'La Casita'Reports all day coming in from Substance on this open warfare by the ed deformer/neo-liberals on the community. You can follow events on the Subs