Wednesday, August 14, 2013

8-14-13 teacherken at Daily Kos

teacherken at Daily Kos:

Please bear with us as we mourn
When Leaves on the Current met him in a gas station in the southside of Virginia, they called him Midnight. She renamed him Cielito he looked like the heavens at night, with a splash of white He joined our household in May 2005, when we already had four rescued felines. He was only 9.  Last week he had some problems and we took him to the vet - he clearly had an infection, so they took blood for
8-13-13 teacherken at Daily Kos
teacherken at Daily Kos: Eugene Robinson asks "What NSA reforms?"In this Washington Post op ed Robinson notes The modest reforms Obama proposed do not begin to address the fundamental question of whether we want the National Security Agency to log all of our phone calls and read at least some of our e-mails, relying on secret judicial orders from a secret court for permission. The president indica