Saturday, August 10, 2013




Email from a #TFA school admin requesting a grade change. For.No.Reason.
I have the email embedded for you below. The interesting item is the whole inspirational quote thing in the email signature. I blocked most of it out, but I wanted to leave the end, “No Excuses.” Indeed.
GUEST POST from Robert Rendo on #commoncore.
Common Core or no Common Core, standards for what children should know by a certain age (skills or content) have always been in flux and controverted. The CCSS is, I think, on an extreme part of that spectrum of flux. The consensus reality and research that more or less corroborates what, for example, a fifth […]

Superintendent Rella: “If it sounds too bad to be true, it’s not!”
Test scores in New York being released is having unintended consequences, such as the entire testing regime of the recent 30-year accountability era being systematically unmasked. I invite you to read the letter from Superintendent Joseph V. Rella to Senator Kenneth P. LaVelle, which offers near the end: If you believe that any of this […]

New NY Scores Prompt Increased Interest in Opting Out of Next State Tests
Reblogged from Diane Ravitch's blog: Long Island's Newsday has a story about growing interest by parents in opting out of state testing. It says that the terrible scores will increase the number of parents who don't let the schools test their children. William Johnson, the superintendent of Rockville Center district, says the scores are essentially […]
I recommend you all take this #TFA internal survey and give ‘em your thoughts
Here’s the link to a Google survey. Let the record reflect!
Letter from a NY Superintendent to Sen. Lavalle on #commoncore testing
Embedded for your reading pleasure, followed by the empty condolences of Mr. King.

All Week 8-10-13 @ THE CHALK FACE knows SCHOOLS MATTER
@ THE CHALK FACE knows SCHOOLS MATTER: All Week 8-10-13 @ THE CHALK FACE knows SCHOOLS MATTERYESTERDAYInnocence or Guilt?: Looking Beyond the Individual | the becoming radicalHow does Bernhard Schlink’s The Reader inform the many scandals in the education reform era? READ: Innocence or Guilt?: Looking Beyond the Individual | the becoming plthomasedd / 23h State Assessment Results: "It J