Tuesday, July 2, 2013

UPDATE: Why Gary Chartrand and Tony Bennett’s School Grade Task Force May Be a Sham | Scathing Purple Musings

Why Gary Chartrand and Tony Bennett’s School Grade Task Force May Be a Sham | Scathing Purple Musings:

ASK.com defines task force in its online dictionary thus:
unit or formation established to work on a single defined task or activity. Originally introduced by the United States Navy, the term has now caught on for general usage and is a standard part of NATO terminology. Many non-military organizations now create “task forces” or task groups for temporary activities that might have once been performed by ad hoc committees.
The online site goes further and details how the term applies to government:
In government or business a task force is a temporary organization created to solve a particular problem. It is considered to be a more formal ad-hoccommittee.
taskforce, or more-commonly task force, is a special committee, usually ofexperts, formed expressly for the purpose of studying a particular problem. The task force usually performs some sort of an audit to assess the current situation, then draws up a list of all the current problems present and evaluates 

Oklahoma – A Jeb Bush Chiefs For Change State – Drops Out of PARCC

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The first of Jeb Bush’s vaunted Chiefs for Change has made the decision to drop from the controversial PARCC testing consortium. Andrea Eger tells us this in Tulsa World:
State Superintendent Janet Barresi announced Monday that she is withdrawing Oklahoma from testing through a consortium of 20 or so other states to coincide with the new Common Core curriculum standards.
Instead of using new assessments developed through the group, called the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers, or PARCC, Oklahoma will work with a testing company to develop its own new standardized tests for the 2014-15 academic year.
“We came to this decision after many months of deliberation, listening to