Tuesday, July 23, 2013

What Parents Want For Education Policy

What Parents Want For Education Policy:

What Parents Want For Education Policy

A mantra recited by those who pride themselves as adherents to a movement known as “education reform” is that for too long policies governing public schools have favored “the adults” in the system at the expense of children. This rhetoric has framed any objections that classroom teachers may have to new education policies as being overly concerned about teachers’ interests and being negligent of the students.
That rhetorical positioning has been used by political lobbying groups promoting themselves as putting “students first” and taking a “stand for children” in order to claim a higher moral ground. These organizations assert that teachers who object to the continued degradation of their working conditions are really being selfish and inattentive to the needs of the students in the public education system.
However, there’s always been a group of adults who’ve been imbued with the power to