Wednesday, July 3, 2013

We Party Patriots » Rapper Pitbull Opening a Miami Charter School Run by a Company Making $158M in Annual Revenue

We Party Patriots » Rapper Pitbull Opening a Miami Charter School Run by a Company Making $158M in Annual Revenue:

Rapper Pitbull Opening a Miami Charter School Run by a Company Making $158M in Annual Revenue

Meet your new charter school owner, privatizers!
Meet your new charter school owner, privatizers!

An example of the dangers of the charterization of schools comes to us from Miami, Florida where rapper Pitbull (neé Armando Perez), has opened SLAM (Sports Leadership & Management) Charter School. He will be speaking at this year’s National Charter School Conference alongside Joel Klein, Arne Duncan, and Amanda Ripley.  
Pitbull says SLAM, which is slated to open in the Fall, is founded on his “Three R’s”: Rigor, Relevance, and Relationships. The school’s mission is “is to provide an innovative, in-depth educational program preparing students for secondary studies and beyond through an emphasis of sports-related career preparation.”
For middle schoolers.
A charter school teaching students how to work in professional sports appears to be a complete 180 from