Wednesday, July 3, 2013

The Common Core Nightmare That Awaits Us | toteachornototeach

The Common Core Nightmare That Awaits Us | toteachornototeach:

The Common Core Nightmare That Awaits Us

 The Common Core Nightmare That Awaits Us 

by Randy Turner
Common Core Standards are here to stay, Secretary of Education Arne Duncan and school administrators have been telling us, but what they have not been telling us is that these nationwide standards are opening the door to more and more standardized testing.
And with standardized testing comes companies that make profits not only with tests, but with materials to prepare for those tests, and with ready-made curriculum based on those tests, just like we saw with all of the school districts in Missouri, including Joplin, that fell hook, line, and sinker for McGraw-Hill’s Acuity tests, which were allegedly designed to prepare students for the Missouri standardized tests, which were also made by McGraw-Hill.
It never worked in Joplin, where test scores have decreased ever since administrators