Monday, July 1, 2013

Shut up and go to bed. | Fred Klonsky

Shut up and go to bed. | Fred Klonsky:

Shut up and go to bed.

Who is Melinda Anderson?
On Twitter she describes herself as writer for @NEAPresident.
On her blog she is described as “the creative force behind opinion-editorials, blogs and articles on behalf of a great cause. Ghostwriting pays the bills, but makes it easy to get lost in the shadows. An oversized ego told her it’s time to elevate her own voice. She is a bundle of contradictions. Cynical and hopeful, radical and traditional, swiftly descending from the sublime to the ridiculous. Cheatsheet for comments: ‘With all due respect…’ means ‘bless your heart, but you’re dead wrong, and I’m about to point it out to you.’”
Last night her oversized ego may have gotten the best of her. She went on Twitter to claim that my post about

Jack Tucker. IEA Retired.
