Bloomberg Sets Up "Regulatory Hell" With Unfair And Unjust Grading System
This is about restaurants, but it might as well be about schools and teachers too:
The city received an “F” on its restaurant-inspection system yesterday from City Council Speaker Christine Quinn, who announced plans to revamp it while dramatically cutting the dough it produces from fines.
Quinn said the council would introduce bills this summer to reduce and waive certain fines and fees — three years after the Bloomberg administration introduced a letter-grading system it has described as a runaway success.
Quinn — who is trying to seize the pro-small-business mantle in her race for mayor — said the new bills would lower the fines paid by restaurant owners to $30 million from a high of more than $52 million in fiscal year 2012.
The legislation Quinn put forward would waive all violations for restaurant owners who receive an “A” grade after