Monday, July 8, 2013

NEA Steps Up Organizing Efforts in Non-Union Charter Schools | NEA Today

NEA Steps Up Organizing Efforts in Non-Union Charter Schools | NEA Today:

NEA Steps Up Organizing Efforts in Non-Union Charter Schools
By Tim Walker Tom Kuhny, a middle school teacher in Los Angeles, is a little incredulous when he hears the often-repeated canard that educational innovation and a unionized teaching force don’t mix. “I find that ridiculous,” says Kuhny. “It’s surprising to me that people even think that. Our staff supports and promotes innovations in the classroom every day. Keeping our students challenged, raisin
Education Reform Movement Learns Lesson From Old Standards
Under the more rigorous Common Core standards, it will be harder for states to hide their failing schools. But what has Common Core watchers nervous is not that states will cheat but that the first round of student scores in 2015 will be honest, and bad — so bad they shock parents and strike fear into politicians. Former Tennessee Gov. Philip Bredesen began the tough work of raising his state’s st
Your Students’ Data is Stored in the Cloud
Non-profit inBloom offers an Internet database service that allows schools to store, track and analyze data on schoolchildren. That information is more than just test scores. It’s whether kids receive free lunch — a telling indicator of the family’s finances. It’s the time a student got into a fight in the schoolyard. And it could be a child’s prescription medication. Source: CNN Related posts: Cy