Monday, July 1, 2013

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: UNO, Quinn, Madigan, Rahm... The gang that won't shoot straight

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: UNO, Quinn, Madigan, Rahm... The gang that won't shoot straight:

UNO, The gang that won't shoot straight

$143,000 in public school funding up in smoke by UNO rip-off artists.
After holding parents and students at their new charter school hostage in order to get Gov. Quinn to restore millions in funding, the corrupt UNO gang is stiffing the contractors and workers who built their school.

With powerful patrons like Quinn, Boss Madigan, Rahm, and "Slow Eddie" Burke, UNO is having a field day with millions in public money.
Cheered on by Gov. Pat Quinn and Mayor Rahm Emanuel, the United Neighborhood Organization