Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Remember, they're doing this for the kids

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Remember, they're doing this for the kids:

Corporate school reformers love saying their assault on public education is all about the kids, as opposed to the interests of adults. 

So when Philly schools fired nearly every counselor in the district this week -- 283 in all, along with 3,800 other school staff, I guess you could say they were really freeing kids up from those time-consuming meetings about college or getting help dealing with bullying, sexuality and other personal social and emotional issues. 

But not all adults were negatively impacted by Gov. Corbett's draconian budget cuts. Millions more were diverted from education to prison expansion.  Pennsylvania will house 49,000 inmates at a cost of $35,188 per inmate and spend $9.3 billion to educate 1.8 

Standing with Wendy in Texas against Perry's war on women.

Standing with Wendy in Texas against Perry's war on women.
The biggest protests in Texas in recent memory.