Friday, July 26, 2013

Metro school board’s Frogge decries deep-pocketed national ‘reform’ movement | In Session

Metro school board’s Frogge decries deep-pocketed national ‘reform’ movement | In Session:

Metro school board’s Frogge decries deep-pocketed national ‘reform’ movement

Students, parents and the future of public schools are up against a well-funded national “reform” machine that ultimately hurts the children it purports to want to help, according to Metro school board member Amy Frogge.
Frogge, elected to her West Nashville seat last year, has emerged as the board’s leading  counter voice to charter school proponents and other reformers in her short time in public office.
In a pointed post on her Facebook page, she writes of  “an evolution in her thinking” on the problems that plague the school district — too many standardized tests, a “culture of fear” among school personnel and unhappy teachers and administrators.
“Over the course of a year in office, I have come to put a name on these problems, and that name is the national ‘reform’ movement,” she writes, adding that most parents don’t realize