Monday, July 22, 2013

LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 7-22-13 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all

Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all:
Click on picture to Listen to Diane Ravitch

Louisiana: $615 Million for Consultants, $0 for Home Care for Disabled
Governor Bobby Jindal eliminate a $4 million program that provides home care for people with developmental disabilities. You know, the state can’t afford it. But the state treasurer pointed out that the Louisiana Department of Education spent an astonishing $615 million on consultants in the five years from 2005-2010. According to the local media: “State Treasurer John Kennedy gave Gov. Bobby Ji

Pelto: The Background of the Vallas Controversy in Bridgeport
Jonathan Pelto, a blogger who is considered an “electronic graffiti” artist byPaul,Vallas, is a former Democratic legislator in Connecticut. Here he summarizes the background of the Vallas controversy, which began when the Dannel Malloy administration dissolved the elected Bridgeport school board and engineered a state takeover. This move was challenged in court and ruled. Illegal. However, the i

Vallas Refers to Bloggers as “Electronic Graffitti”
These days, the blogosphere has become a medium for democratic expression. With so few mainstream media still in existence, blogging has become an important forum for those who have no voice. Today’s New York Times has an article about the controversy surrounding Paul Vallas in Bridgeport. Vallas speaks contemptuously of bloggers as “electronic graffitti.” The article speaks dismissively of the fa

OECD Wants to Measure And Grade Universities
The OECD is so pleased with the “success” of international testing for K-12 that it wants to bring the same testing to higher education. Then, presumably, it would be possible to compare higher education across nations and see who is best, who ranks lowest, and get everyone to compete on the terms that OECD chooses. This is nothing less than a bold power grab by OECD, which arrogates to itself the

Can Children Be Measured Like Corn As They Grow?
Amy Prime is a second grade teacher in Iowa and a parent of five children. She knows how different each of her children are. In this article, she wonders how the Common Core will work, and she draws an analogy with farmers growing corn. Her analogy begins like this: “It is easy to like the common core in theory. We want all of our kids to have the same skills when they graduate, right? But the p

Rethinking Schools: The Trouble with Common Core
Secretary Arne Duncan would have the world believe that the Common Core standards are opposed only by extremists and people who believe in flying saucers. But it is not true. While much of the energy against the Common Core has come from Tea Party people who fear a federal takeover of public schools, there are also thoughtful critics on the left side of the political spectrum. I would begin by men
The First Review of “Reign of Error”!
This is the first review of my new book. Kirkus sends out early reviews that are read by journalists, librarians, and others in the publishing industry. This reviewer provides an accurate summary of the book. He or she got the main point and presents it succinctly here. REIGN OF ERROR The Hoax of the Privatization Movement and the Danger to America’s Public Schools Author: Diane Ravitch Review I
The First Review of “Reign of Error”!
This is the first review of my new book. Kirkus sends out early reviews that are read by journalists, librarians, and others in the publishing industry. This reviewer provides an accurate summary of the book. He or she got the main point and presents it succinctly here. REIGN OF ERROR The Hoax of the Privatization Movement and the Danger to America’s Public Schools Author: Diane Ravitch Review I
Diane in the Evening 7-21-13 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all
Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: Lance Hill: A Principal Paid $115,000 for a School with 13 Students?Lance Hill reports that Steve Barr has hired a principal at a salary of $115,000 for a charter school with an enrollment of 13 freshman students. Perhaps the reason enrollment is so low is that Barr hyped the schools as “the most dangerous school in America” on a T
LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH ALL WEEK LONG Diane Ravitch's blog 7-20-13 #thankateacher #EDCHAT #P2
Diane Ravitch's blogLISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH ALL WEEK LONG DIANE RAVITCH'S BLOGTODAYVultures Circle Detroit Art MuseumWatch the billionaires scoop up the treasures of the Detroit Institute of Art. Is ours a society where the public sector can be ransacked for gain, where legislatures and governors walk away from any responsibility to protect the common wealth?by dianerav / 57min Weston: Why Grading