Monday, July 1, 2013

Jersey Jazzman: Pitbull and Walmart: Selling Charters & Caffeine Shots!

Jersey Jazzman: Pitbull and Walmart: Selling Charters & Caffeine Shots!:

Pitbull and Walmart: Selling Charters & Caffeine Shots!

I swear, I couldn't make this stuff up:

Today, the misogynist rapper Pitbull gave the opening speech at the 2013 National Charter Schools Conference. Pitbull is "founding" a charter in Miami that will be managed by the for-profit company Academica, which has already made gobs of cash by building school facilities and then renting them to the "non-profit" charters they manage. There is no reporting on what kind of deal Pitbull structured with Academica, although he is well-known for managing and licensing his "brand."

During the same conference, the Walton family was inducted into the National Charter Schools Hall of Fame