Wednesday, July 31, 2013

UPDATE: Tony Bennett and the Folly Of A-F School Grades Jersey Jazzman: NJDOE Commissioner Chris Cerf Knows How To Pick 'Em!

Jersey Jazzman: NJDOE Commissioner Chris Cerf Knows How To Pick 'Em!:

Tony Bennett's Own Staff Contradicts His Denials
Rick Hess (who else?) gives Tony Bennett a platform to make the case that he only changed the grade for a charter school - whose founder gave him $90,000 in campaign contributions - to correct a small statistical anomaly: Rick Hess: So, Tony. You know that the story here is disconcerting at first look. Can you offer any more context or backstory that we should know? Tony Bennett: The backstory i

Tony Bennett and the Folly Of A-F School Grades
It feels like the day after anti-reformy Christmas: we're all basking in the glow of the implosion of Tony Bennett's career. The former Indiana state education superintendent, current Florida education commissioner, and star of Jeb! Bush's Chiefs For Change is desperately scrambling to explain himself after getting caught red-handed changing the "school grade" of a charter run by a big-time Republ

NJDOE Commissioner Chris Cerf Knows How To Pick 'Em!Chris Cerf, New Jersey's Commissioner of Education, promoted Barbara Morgan to NJDOE's Director of the Office of Public Information back in 2012. Morgan - who apparently never moved to New Jersey, unlike the many public workers forced to move even under the most onerous conditions - only lasted in the job six months: you see, something big came up...

MAY 23, 2013

Veteran official departs after 34 years; public info officer moves on after one year to join Weiner’s campaign in NYC

Two of the state Department of Education’s top staffers are leaving this week, one a longtime official who has played a prominent role behind the scenes and another a newer, public voice of the agency.
Barbara Morgan, the public information officer and state Education Commissioner Chris Cerf’s press secretary, also left the department this week after a year on the job. She is going on to be the communications