Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Hot for teacher? Keep it to yourself. | Get Schooled |

Hot for teacher? Keep it to yourself. | Get Schooled |

Get Schooled

 Get Schooled: Hot for teacher? Keep it to yourself.
A judge ruled against a Michigan college student who penned a class journal entry titled "Hot for Teacher" about how sexually attracted he was to his creative writing instructor. After the Detroit area college suspended student Joseph Corlett,  he sued. On Tuesday, U.S. District Judge Patrick Duggan dismissed Corlett’s lawsuit ...

Get Schooled: A letter from victims: 'Dear Bully, Do you have a soul?'
High school students in the creative writing class of the Summer Youth Leadership Academy of
Get Schooled: Will Georgia's opt-out on Common Core test influence Cobb vote tomorrow?
I wonder if the state decision to bow out of the Common Core State Standards test consortium will emerge a factor in the Cobb school board vote on new math textbooks tomorrow morning? A concern of the board has been whether it makes sense for Cobb to invest in new ...
Get Schooled: Former APS administrator out as superintendent in South Carolina district
In 2011, Randolph Bynum, the Atlanta associate superintendent for high schools and former principal of Cobb's Pebblebrook High School, left APS to become the new superintendent of schools in Sumter County. While Bynum was at APS during the cheating scandal, he oversaw high schools, which were not a target of ...
Get Schooled: Now that Georgia has dumped the test, should we drop the Common Core Standards, too?
Yesterday’s Department of Education announcement that Georgia was pulling out of a 22-state consortium developing tests aligned with the Common Core State Standards has sparked commentary nationwide. The test would replace the CRCT, which is not considered rigorous and does not tell parents how their kids stack up against ...