Thursday, July 4, 2013

Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee's StudentsFirst is a Shining Example of NonProfit Abuse | Crooks and Liars

Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee's  StudentsFirst is a Shining Example of NonProfit Abuse | Crooks and Liars:

[Marcel Neergaard taking a stand over StudentsFirst's recognition of a homophobic state representative as "reformer of the year."]
If ever there was an organization that stands out as one that should never have been granted nonprofit status and doesn't deserve to continue having it, it's StudentsFirst. One look at their 2011 tax disclosures reveals a fat, political, ideological organization. StudentsFirst not only crosses the line, they stomp on it and erase it for their own benefit.
Even though Rhee didn't meet her fundraising goal of $1 billion in the first year, she still had a hefty haul. Donations were $15 million from July 2011 to July 2012, compared to $4.6 million the year before. In the current year, we know the Walton Foundation kicked in $8 million, which will help with the goalsetting for this year, but still falls far short of Rhee's lofty claims. No disclosures are available at this time for sister organizations StudentsFirst Institute and Great New England Public Schools Alliance, which could bump the