Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Duncan: Bipartisan support elusive for Obama’s proposal to expand preschool | EdSource Today

Duncan: Bipartisan support elusive for Obama’s proposal to expand preschool | EdSource Today:

Securing bipartisan support for the president’s $75 billion proposal to expand public preschool continues to be a challenge, U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan said Wednesday on a media panel on early childhood education moderated by EdSource Today reporter Lillian Mongeau.
Duncan said he is meeting with Republican lawmakers as well as Republican governors and local school boards in an effort to convince conservatives that spending on the $75 billion plan is an investment that will pay dividends. The program, paid in part through an increase on the federal tobacco tax, would allow states to provide more preschool options for low-income families.
“There are many Republican members in the House and Senate who understand that there are 

Mark Yudof bid a formal farewell Wednesday to the University of California. The outgoing UC president’s remarks at the Board of Regents meeting in San Francisco were part thank you, part reflection and, emblematic of his position as head of leading university system, part lecture. He made his comments one day before the regents are set to vote on the nomination of U.S Secretary of Homeland... [[