Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Diane in the Evenig 7-3-13 Diane Ravitch's blog | #neara13 #RYH4Ed #BATsACT

Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all:

NBC Station in Philly Echoes Corbett Line
Journalist Dabiel Denvir calls out Philadelphia’s local NBC station. Its coverage parroted Governor Tom Corbett!’s claims without doing a fact check. Denvir shows how little investigative reporting the local media does. When they say that the teachers’ union is not “sacrificing enough, ” what they mean is that the union should okay the layoffs of teachers of the arts, sports, counselors, security

Thanks, Mother Crusader, for Listening to Pitbull
I am grateful to Darcie Cimarusti, an activist public school mom in New Jersey who blogs as Mother Crusader. I am grateful that she listened to Pitbull’s speech at the national charter school conference. The other keynotes were delivered by Arne Duncan and Joel Klein. I am grateful she listened because now I don’t have to. You too can read her blog and watch the video or just her summary. She ha

That Crucial LAUSD Board Meeting: A New Day
It seems like only yesterday that Mayor Villaraigosa was trying to take control of the Los Angeles public schools. Now there is a new mayor, and he clearly had little influence over the choice of a new school board president. The vote for Dr. Richard Vladovic was a decisive 5-2. Monica Ratliff was sworn in by her mother, in both Spanish and English. Ratliff was elected despite beaten vastly outs

Arne Duncan’s Speech to the National Charter School Conference
Valerie Strauss posted Secretary Duncan’s speech to the charter schools conference, without comment. This is the same conference where the foul-mouthed, misogynistic rapper Pitbull was also a keynote speaker. I am tempted to raise many questions–about the predatory practices of some charters, about the very concept of “chain” schools, about the racial segregation that charters accept as routine, a

LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 7-3-13 Diane Ravitch's blog | #neara13 #RYH4Ed #BATsACT
Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: In Search of a Metaphor for “Reform”Over recent years, I have heard many metaphors used to explain what is happening–what is being done to–the nation’s public schools. In New York City, parents often use the phrase “the emperor has no clothes.” Others may have different metaphors to suggest. In this post, reader Joanna Best thinks