Sunday, July 14, 2013

All Out for Trayvon–Monday 6P @ 14th/Broadway | Classroom Struggle

All Out for Trayvon–Monday 6P @ 14th/Broadway | Classroom Struggle:

All Out for Trayvon–Monday 6P @ 14th/Broadway

 We all have already heard the verdict. Now is the time to respond. We must respond in at least 2 ways. First, it is crucial that we come out now, immediately after the verdict, to show and build our power in the streets. Teachers, parents, and students should all show up at the rally Monday and show solidarity. It is being endorsed by many organizations of the left and groups struggling against racism.  If you are part of an organization, you too should move to endorse it.
Second, we must build further and deeper. We should look to school walkouts of students and work actions by teachers.  Both have precedents in Oakland. Soon after Trayvon was murdered, a few 100 Fremont High students walked. We should follow that example. In terms of work actions, during the Oscar Grant struggles, ILWU Local 10 shutdown the port on Oct. 23, 2010, which many Oakland teachers supported. Teachers should amplify these steps.
For now, since we’re on vacations, we should show our solidarity and march in the streets bringing friends. But whenever we have the opportunity to show our power where we are most powerful–in the schools that we operate and use–we must be ready to act.
No to racist violence of the state and system!
Yes to teacher, student, and parent power to shutdown this system and shutdown the racism!
Show our power at this rally on Monday, 7/15, 6P at Oscar Grant Plaza (14th/Broadway)!

Click the image above to download it as a flyer.