Wednesday, July 31, 2013




Humility: A Lesson Most Needed and Least Often Acknowledged | the becoming radical
The list of what public schools need in the US is long and complex, but a great starting point would be lessons in humility for those who have decided they know best when all the evidence suggests otherwise. READ FULL POST HERE: Humility: A Lesson Most Needed and Least Often Acknowledged | the becoming radical.

Kindergarten CCSS madness? Buckle up Robin!
My recent post of first grade vocabulary from the New York State Education Department’s EngageNY website created a tremendous discussion.  Is Common Core curriculum produced by Core Knowledge© age appropriate?  Is this a symptom of the Common Core in general?  Does the Common Core address the cognitive development of primary aged students? Once again the […]

Hear that folks? A wonk at AEI says we can draw any conclusions we want about data
Fantastic. Phew. .@kevincarey1 Not defending or disparaging. You can come to whatever conclusion you like based on the data. point was, look it up. — Andrew P. Kelly (@AndrewPKelly) July 31, 2013

The “New Paternalism” versus the Fordham Institute’s Assault on Teachers
I have fond childhood memories of my Hog Nosed snake, and how he would alternately strike out like a rattlesnake and then flop on his back, playing possum.  I loved that critter and it is in the same spirit that I address the theorizing of Mike “the New Paternalist” Petrilli.  Petrilli will alternately exhibit the […]

Bennett and Flo Rida, match made in heaven #NCSC13
What happened in IN, you know, with former state supe Bennett and fixing the grades of a big donor’s charter school? Didn’t I just wax philosophical about my previous reverence for those in “Central Office?” I did. But these are the ones that fudge data and school grades. Where do they get these people, anyway? In […]
My appearance on Baltimore’s @marcsteiner show. Thanks, brother.
Check it out here or listen below. There was a time that I revered those that made it into “Central Office.” The pay is good, often in the six figures. You wear suits. People ask your opinion. But then I grew up. How do people get these jobs? Hard work, sure enough. But these aren’t, […]
Barbara Madeloni running for MTA President
Friend and stalwart sister in arms Barbara Madeloni is running for President of the Massachusetts Teachers Association. If you’re in the state, or know someone who is, consider throwing your support behind this campaign. 

7-30-13 Schools Matter @ The Chalk Face
SCHOOLS MATTER @ THE CHALK FACE: To follow up on Chris Cerrone’s great post on #ECEChris Cerrone has a great post up including some examples of first-grade vocabulary from CCSS. Can it be argued as a good thing that first graders are now going to be taught the meaning of Ziggurat? I thought the CCSS was not supposed to be a checklist of things. Check out our most recent interview […]by Chalk Face,