Wednesday, July 17, 2013

7-17-13 Daily Kos: You might want to read Harold Meyerson today

Daily Kos: You might want to read Harold Meyerson today:

Good blog post on "Obamacare" by Krugman
titled Obamacare Is the Right’s Worst Nightmare.  It went live on the Times website within the hour. A few treats from this post: ... I agree with Matt Yglesias — unless the GOP finds even more ways to sabotage the plan, this thing is going to work, it’s going to be extremely popular, and it’s going to wreak havoc with conservative ideology. ...while a few people will be hurt — young, healthy indi

Conservative former Senator supports Snowden
Republican Gordon Humphrey of New Hampshire, who served two terms as a United States Senator, has sent an email to Edward Snowden supporting him.  Glenn  Greenwald has the exchange, and a confirmation back to him (Greenwald) that the email was authentic, in this piece in The Guardian. Here is the text of the original email, with the emphasis as added by Greenwald: Mr. Snowden, Provided you have no

You might want to read Harold Meyerson today
His Washington Post column is titled D.C. Council stands for fair wages and against Wal-Mart and it provides lots of ammunition on the matter of Living Wages and Walmart. Meyerson 2nd paragraph set the frame: On average, Wal-Mart pays its workers $12.67 an hour — which means that a huge number of its 1.4 million U.S. employees make a good deal less than that. By paying so little, the Bentonville b
I am becoming ever less enamored of the profit motivation, and would like to see it severely restricted. I understand that it plays a positive role in SOME economic endeavors, and thus CAN lead to new and better products, but those who are already profiting will often be ruthless against any competition that might reduce their profits. There are some areas of American life that imho simply should