Tuesday, July 16, 2013




The Mismeasure of Education
I know it is shameless self-promotion, and yet is not about me or us.   To summarize Horace Mann: agitate, agitate, agitate, but always for a good cause.  My co-author, Denise Wilburn and I are very proud to get this out at this point in time, and we are equally humbled by the advance reviews […]

Jal Mehta’s The Allure of Order Explains the Root Cause of Déjà vu, All Over Again
I have an intellectual understanding of how the contemporary “reform” movement propelled schools to leap into the early 20th century. But, I’ve never really grasped why 21st century accountability hawks sought to turn schools into a modern-day version of the Model T assembly line.  After reading Jal Mehta’s The Allure of Order, I understand. Mehta […]

Great Op-Ed on the Common Opposition to Common Corp Standards
By Rob Jenkins at the Newton Citizen in Newton County, GA: Any time conservatives and liberals in this country agree on anything, it’s time to stop the presses, glance up to see if pigs happen to be zooming by overhead, and check the temperature in you-know-where. It may also be time to pay attention. One […]
7-15-13 Schools Matter @ The Chalk Face
SCHOOLS MATTER @ THE CHALK FACE: This, not this: On our feet, to the streetLet’s do this. For example, this is a powerful image of a San Francisco protest on behalf of Trayvon Martin. Unbelievable. Not to diminish the necessity of this outrage, but if only we could have such momentum on issues within education. Amazing. Now, in contrast, let us not waste our time with this: asinine debates […]by C