Friday, July 12, 2013

7-12-13 Ed Notes Online

Ed Notes Online:

Success Academy Evil Moskowitz Sues on State Audit to Keep Dead Bodies Buried While Grabbing More Real Estate
Is this a new way of being able to steal without consequences?  True public schools have to have an accountability of every dollar. The charter schools that are occupying our community schools need to be held to the same standards. ... comment at nycednews UPDaTeD: Let's get our fingers into as much pie as we can while claiming we're a public school but make sure the public can't see behind the ch
TODAY MORE Summer Series 4-7pm
Hello all,We hope you are as excited as we are for the kick off of our 2nd annual summer series at Local 138 on Ludlow st. Lower East Side, NYC. Today's forum will feature MORE members who are public school educators and parents discussing the opposition to high stakes testing, how it leads to the school to prison pipeline, and how we all can work together to have the schools our children deserve.
DOE Retaliates Against Children Who Opted-Out
No matter how smart they are, the majority of kids who did not take standardized tests will be forced to attend summer school. ... Takepart.comThe NYCDOE - you know those "Children First" people who are so threatened by the growing parent opt-out of the tests movement-- are forcing kids to go to summer school even it their teachers said that was not necessary. An article in included