Thursday, July 11, 2013




Opt Out or Cop Out?
The Thomas B. Fordham Foundation has caught on to the fact that students, parents, teachers and the general public are as fed up with this education scam as are the people in North Carolina and Texas who are fed up with the misogyny coming from their Republican state legislators. To discuss ways to discredit the […]

The Christie Mirage
Well, well, once again we see the facts trump the propaganda here in New Jersey. It’s been a while since President Obama’s visit to the Jersey Shore. Business owners in Point Pleasant beach say Obama’s visit held up traffic and hurt business. To add insult to injury, businesses can not get funds but can borrow […]

Buy stock in tin-foil immediately
This could be the next Apple, Microsoft, or Google. I commented yesterday on the sense of relief I experienced when cleaning out my Facebook group and admin memberships. It felt as if I had moved on in my own thoughts and ideas and here I was being dragged back into some of the very early […]

The Charter Real Estate Mob
The long Team Obama continues to pour hundreds of millions each year down the segregated corporate charter school rabbit hole, the deeper and more entrenched will the network of corporate charter gangsters get.  Jersey Jazzman has a must read here.  Photo below from his post (enlarge by clicking):  

7-10-13 Schools Matter @ The Chalk Face
SCHOOLS MATTER @ THE CHALK FACE: The Not-so-Hidden Path to School ImprovementClosing the Opportunity Gap, edited by Prudence Carter and Kevin Welner, shows how accountability-driven, competition-driven “reform” has failed educationally. On the other hand, it recounts the political advantages that corporate “reform” enjoys as it seeks to use competition to improve schools. Carter and Welner submit