Wednesday, July 10, 2013

7-10-13 Ed Notes Online

Ed Notes Online:

Ravitch Friends Randi, Fiorillo and Many Others Object
Randi is just the mirror image of Michelle Rhee.  ... Mike from Texas, comment on Ravitch blog, My Friend, Randi WeingartenRandi Weingarten is no friend of teachers, and has been at the center of virtually every catastrophe that has befallen us and public education in the past fifteen-plus years. ...She is part of the problem, and there will be no effective opposition to the hostile takeover of th
Protest at Tweed Over Racist Comments Draws a Crowd - and TV Coverage
I got there in time to tape most of Monday's rally at Tweed. I have more to share but here are two MORE members speaking.James Eterno posted these links on the ICE blog.COVERAGE OF PROTEST AT TWEED There is good video and some media coverage of yesterday's protest at Tweed by the Pan American International High School community demanding a fair investigation of allegations that the principal made
Mercedes Schneider on Another Vallas Scam: New Orleans Miracle That Wasn't
It is important for every resistance fighter be aware of the New Orleans story and all the other ed deform scams going on so you are equipped to fight the hype wherever it may come up -- you know, those social occasions with non-educators who see ed miracles touted in the media.Diane Ravitch posted:Schneider on the “New Orleans Miracle” That Wasn’t By dianerav July 6, 2013 Corporate reformers cli