Thursday, June 13, 2013

We're Not Misinformed; We Know What Common Core Is, & We Reject It. | Truth in American Education

We're Not Misinformed; We Know What Common Core Is, & We Reject It. | Truth in American Education:

We’re Not Misinformed; We Know What Common Core Is, & We Reject It.

common-coreIn Utah this year, GOP state delegates passed a resolution that opposed Common Core, by a 65% vote. The National GOP passed a similar resolution. The Michigan legislature passed a bill that defunded Common Core. Indiana legislators passed a year-long time-out bill to pause Common Core. Similar efforts by Republicans and Democrats are growing in North CarolinaGeorgiaMissouri,Iowa,FloridaWyomingIllinois and elsewhere.
Yet Utah’s governor continues to promote the Common Core-dependent Prosperity 2020, and the Utah School Board continues to label as “misinformed” or “erroneous” all who oppose Common Core.
We are not misinformed. We know what Common Core is, and we reject it.
It’s not “state-led.” The authors of the copyrighted Common Core are

Common Core Makes a Surprise Appearance in Texas

A mother of a third grader living in the Dallas-Ft. Worth area in Texas messaged us through our Facebook page(be sure to like us).  She wrote:
Look what came home in my 3rd grader’s backpack today to use as summer practice? This is the book they’ve been using all year (unbeknownst to me). It says ‘common core edition’. I specifically asked our ISD in DFW if they used any part of CSCOPE or Common Core and they said no. I have the email to prove it. I was lied to. Am going back to them asking them to explain. I’m very concerned. Even so, my 1st grader had a very hard time with math and I’ve had to re-teacher her basics since she’s not getting it at school. If you look through the book, it’s exactly everything people say the ‘fuzzy math’ is — full of riddles and lengthy word problems. I’m confused myself and it’s 3rd grade math! I can’t believe this was used without any heads up from the district. Common Core is indeed in Texas!
She included a picture…
I don’t know if it is the school trying to bring the Common Core in through the back door or if the school district is 

A Glimpse of Math Homework from a Parent’s Point of View

Meredith Gavin, a parent in New York State, emailed me this morning with a video she made of her third grade son, Liam, doing his math homework.  She wrote:
This is a prime example of how my son’s brain gets confused, when he is given homework that entails knowing several different concepts that he struggles with, and then those concepts are mixed together – he even struggles with taking 0 away from 5.
I will recognize that even if this Math HW was not based around CC he would still be having a hard time. I will also add that CCSS is not helping special ed kids in any- way, shape, or form. They are rushing him through 3rd grade lessons without a solid foundation, and I truly believe it is BECAUSE of Common Core.
She said this video was the result of months of frustrations she has had with him coming home not being able to 

OK State Superintendent of Education Confronted on Common Core

An Oklahoma homeschooling mom, Karen Cuellar, gives a play by play of Oklahoma State Superintendent Janet Barresi’s visit with the Wagner County GOP Central Committee at their meeting this month.
I think she got a little more than she bargained for.
Restore Oklahoma Public Education has the story.
The post OK State Superintendent of Education Confronted on Common Core appeared first on Truth in American Education.