Sunday, June 2, 2013

Rahm Emanuel, there’s a good reason people are mad at you — MSNBC

Rahm Emanuel, there’s a good reason people are mad at you — MSNBC:

Rahm Emanuel, there’s a good reason people are mad at you

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The photo of this week’s Time magazine cover guy is accompanied by a question that I can only assume is rhetorical. Because the answer to the question about Chicago’s mayor–why are people mad at him?–should be readily apparent to anyone following recent headlines about the 50 Chicago schools slated to be closed. It’s certainly obvious to nine-year-old Asean Johnson, who gave the mayor a piece of his mind when his elementary school was on the chopping block.
It doesn’t seem to be a question anyone else is really asking, so I wondered if maybe it might be on the mind of the man himself. In which case I’m happy to oblige and use my letter this week–to tell him why they’re mad.
It’s me, Melissa. Mind if I call you Rahm? Or how about Rahmbo!
Remember that? That was the nickname you earned yourself back when you were the gladiator to President Obama’s Olivia Pope.